Saturday, December 15, 2007

R was Beyond Him

"Qualities that would have saved a ship's company exposed on a broiling sea with six biscuits and a flask of water--endurance and justice, foresight, devotion, skill, came to his help. R is then--what is R?

"A shutter like a leathern eyelid of a lizard, flickered over the intensity of his gaze and obscured the letter R. In that flash of darkness he heard people saying--he was a failure--that R was beyond him. He would never reach R. On to R, once more. R----"

From "To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf is like a late but precious discovery. I covet her ability to name things from the subconscious, to name the dark into the light, to capture those moments of life, of thought, of despair and of joy, that I have yet been unable to elucidate. She is doing it for me.

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