Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Voting Conundrum

I don't believe in the system and yet I plan on voting. I feel like I was brainwashed at some point (probably elementary school about the same time that we had to make miniature representations of the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria) into thinking that my vote actually counts for something. This is an idea that has proven to be a blatant myth after the last two elections, which were unofficially stolen by our Alfred E. Neuman dictator "leader." Yet, here come the primaries and I find myself weighing who to vote for, without faith in any of them. Somewhere inside my brain, there must be a subconscious desire to feel that I still have some agency in this country, I want to believe the democracy myth, and voting acts as that one frayed root that keeps me connected to the tree. Who am I going to vote for? Does it matter? Not really.

1 comment:

Lia said...

lord knows the system is broken, but I'm a voter too. If only because Mike Huckabee is truly terrifying!